Metador are committed to helping vital services

In order to ensure vital services such as healthcare, essential retail and supermarkets continue serving the public during these difficult times, Metador have some space to prioritise any urgent jobs for these sectors.

Securing these premises, as well as those who may have suffered break-ins during the shutdown, is of utmost importance to us and we will continue to provide steel products as long as we are able to.

Whether you require steel doors or other steel products that can be manufactured, please get in touch with us and we will aim to help you as soon as we can.

We have staff ready to take your call and respond to enquiries, however please be patient with us during these unprecedented times.

Some members of our team are now working from home and the small numbers that remain on the premises are observing strict social distancing rules and increasing hygiene to decrease chances of contamination. These measures are in place to protect our staff, our suppliers and our customers.

These include:

  • Staff members keeping a distance of at least 2m from others at all times
  • Regular washing of hands with anti-bacterial soap and for at least 20 seconds each time
  • Using hand sanitiser gel when washing of hands is not possible
  • Using disposable cutlery, cups and paper towels where possible
  • Ensuring regular and thorough cleaning of all work areas

For our full statement on the measures we have taken to protect our team members and our customers, please click here.

We may still be running as normal at current but we will monitor and reassess the situation on a daily basis to ensure we are abiding by changing Government guidelines.

Many thanks for your support during this unpredictable period and we send our best wishes to you and your families.

Kind Regards,
Simon Evershed
Managing Director