Metador Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policy Update

23rd March 2020

Metador Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policy Update


The health, safety and wellbeing of all Metador employees, customers and stakeholders is of paramount importance to Metador.

We are closely monitoring available information related to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), and the following measures are to be adopted and followed by all Metador personnel.


  1. Metador has developed this policy with reference to relevant global and regional authorities. This policy will be subject to change if more stringent requirements are dictated by The World Health Organisation: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public 
  2. Metador staff & stakeholders are advised to stay calm, factual and up to date with information from WHO as above and the governments Department of Health.
  3. The Managing Director will be responsible as the COVID-19 Coordinator who will be responsible for checking for relevant updates of any material developments.


  1. All persons within Metador is expected to practise good hygiene to protect against infections. Good hygiene includes:
  • a. Washing your hands often with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • b. All staff to use the hand sanitising stations positioned around the office and corridors.
  • c. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately.
  • d. Avoiding close contact with others, such as touching (for example shaking hands).
  • e. All worksurfaces on and around to be cleansed each day by the workstation operative.

2. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with Coronavirus, you should immediately refer to and follow the instructions provided by your local health authority.

3. If an employee thinks they may be at risk of infection of Coronavirus:

  • a. The employee must raise this with their manager immediately.
  • b. The employee may be advised to self-isolate and, where possible, work remotely for a 14-day period. Should a local health authority recommend a longer period of self-isolation, this is to be followed.
  • c. If a member of an employee’s direct household is required to self-isolate following local health authorities’ advice or policy, or due to actual confirmed Coronavirus infection, the Metador employee must also self-isolate for 14 days, and where possible work remotely.
  • d. The manager will then consult with the COVID-19 Coordinator and determine a course of action.
  • e. An employee may be required to provide medical clearance before they return to the workplace.
  • f. If an employee is not fit for work due to contracting Coronavirus, they will be expected to follow the necessary medical instruction and keep their manager informed of developments and only return to work when Metador is satisfied that returning to work is safe and appropriate.
  • g. As a general rule, an employee who is experiencing symptoms such as a fever, cough or shortness of breath, should seek medical attention and also liaise with their manager regarding fitness for work, in accordance with normal sick leave processes and policies.


  1. Until further notice all air travel is to be cancelled or postponed. All pre-existing or new travel requests will be reviewed by the COVID-19 Coordinator and can only proceed with approval.
  2. Where appropriate, utilise ZOOM and video conferencing options to maintain operational continuity.
  3. Any employee who travels in their own time, separate from Metador work, to any international destination is expected to advise their line manager in advance of their travel.
  4. Anyone who travels should refer to the specific government advice for travellers.
  5. Any employees returning from overseas flights must be isolated from the workplace for 14 days in consultation with their Line Manager. Employees may only return to work when Metador is satisfied that returning to work is safe and appropriate.

This is a dynamic situation which we are monitoring closely. Further guidance and instruction will be provided as appropriate.

Simon Evershed