

Quality Procedures

Core Standards

Behind every great product is not only innovation and excellent quality materials but also excellent manufacturing and assembly. In order to ensure that we achieve excellence in all our activities we have implemented a formal Quality Management System, which ensures…
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Health and Safety

Core Standards

At Metador we understand that health and safety management is vital to the success and safety of our company and our employees. To ensure that our high standards of health and safety are always met, we enforce an effective policy.…
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Made In Britain

Showcasing British Manufacturing Excellence

We are proud members of the Made in Britain organisation. A community of key UK manufacturers who are designing and supplying products to the highest standards.


Proud supporters of the Rapid Relief Team

We are proud to donate to the Rapid Relief Team (RRT). RRT delivers hope and relief to people across the globe. Whether it be fire, flood or humanitarian need, RRT expands their support services to meet the need at hand.

Constructionline Gold

Enhanced Pre-Qualification

Our Constructionline Gold membership verifies our credentials in a number of fields such as, health and safety, quality management, environmental management and equal opportunity and diversity. As part of our Constructionline Gold we also have valid SSIP certification and we…

Secured by Design*

Door Certification

* Accreditation available on some doorsets.

CMS assessed to ISO 9001

Door Certification

CMS - Company Management System Cert/Ref No. 1284

Doors available accredited to LPS 1175 levels 1-4

Door Certification

Cert/Ref No. 1284c / 1284d

CE Marked

Door Certification


Standards and Compliance in Door Safety

We are proud members of The Door and Hardware Federation (dhf). A not-for-profit trade association, providing technical advice and training which lends itself to raising the standards of the industry.

Prompt Payment

Commitment to Fair Payment Practices

The Prompt Payment Code sets standards for payment practices and covers both prompt payment and wider payment procedures.

Fire rated doors

Door Certification

BS 476 Part 22 1987

EN179 : 1198 + A1 2001

Hardware Certification

Emergency panic hardware

EN1125 : 1997 + A1 2001

Hardware Certification

Emergency panic hardware

EN122209 : 2003/AC : 2005

Hardware Certification

Mortice locks

EN1154 : 1996 + A1 : 2002

Hardware Certification

Door Closers

BS 476 Part 22 / 31.1

Hardware Certification

Smoke seal

EN1935 : 2002

Hardware Certification


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